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For those looking for a bold cup of coffee

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French Press uses a metal filter that allows natural oils and fine  particles to pass through, giving you a rich, full body cup of coffee to enjoy.

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French press


IDesigned by the Italian Attilio
Calimani in 1929.

Brew time

4 min.

Things you need

Good Coffee, Gooseneck kettle,
Scale, Grinder and Stirrer

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Boil Water from 195°F to 205°F. Do not use boiling water as it will burn your coffee grounds. If you don't have a kettle with temperature control, boil water and let it rest for 30 seconds.

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Use a  1:15  ratio  (for every gram of coffee add 15 ml of water). Adjust as desired. 

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Drain water out of the French Press, and add coffee grounds.

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Pour rest of water and stir.

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Pre-wet/soak  your coffee grounds to allow coffee to bloom for around 30 seconds. This will release CO2 which can otherwise affect your cup of coffee. 

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Using a burr grinder, grind your beans coarse. Using a fine grind will over-extract the coffee and  give you a bitter tasting cup.

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Preheat the French Press by pouring hot water, this will help maintain its temperature while brewing.

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Place the lid with the plunger pulled up, wait 4 minutes for the coffee to brew.

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Slowly press the plunger all the way down to filter the grounds out of the coffee. Pour and enjoy…… :)



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Preparation Methods

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best-selling brands

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We have carefully selected coffee throughout different regions, each with a unique aroma and flavor. You will be able to virtually travel to the origin of the coffee beans of your choice, where you will be emerged in the process and community that work hand in hand to bring you the best coffee experience that is both enjoyable and satisfying down to the last drop.

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