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Biocafe Aguila Real

El Aguila, Valle del cauca (Colombia)

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Medium Dark

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Caturra and Colombia

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Washed, Natural and Honey

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5,200 - 6,500
Feet Above Sea Level.

Juan Carlos Agudelo

Coffee Farmer

Juan Carlos leads the ASOCORREDOR Coalition as Technical Director.  Behind BioCafe, you will find 85 Coffee Farmers united to build environmental, social and economic sustainability.

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History of

Biocafe Aguila Real

Located in the Tatama Natural Park, BioCafe farmers produce amazing Specialty Coffee. Farmers follow environmentally friendly practices to preserve natural resources and limit the impact of coffee production.  Thanks to their innovative thinking, they make use coffee by-products  to make herbal tea, compost and more. 

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Images that tell stories

Biocafé Águila Real is surrounded by the towns of El Águila Valle, Ansermanuevo and El Cairo. These towns have influence in the National Natural Park Tatama, inside the well-known “Biogeographic Region of Choco.

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